Friday 16 March 2012

10 Minute Pudding!

So, yesterday I was sitting around trying to keep my mind busy to try and forget about my driving test today (I Passed, Woo :D). I figured I needed a quick distraction so decided to make this recipe I found for an apple sponge with caramel sauce. Baking is an awesome stress reliever. You can do what you want (within reason) and you can eat it in at the end! 
     Anyway, I got home from college and put my plan into action after eating tea. Here's the recipe if you wanna try it:
     Its awesome and really really simple to make. You just put everything in a bowl, mix it together and pop in a mug and into the microwave. Simples! I followed the instructions except that my butter wasn't completely soft so didn't mix together that well and I added a bit of cinnamon (cause they go together like shoes and shoelaces <3 ). I cooked it for about 5 minutes as well and halved the mixture so there was just enough for me and my brother. 

May not look like much but my presentation skills aren't amazing just yet and half of it got stuck in my mug. So yeah, grease you mug loads!! or just eat out of it... I didn't use that recipe for the sauce, I just whacked out a tin of caramel from the cupboard and microwaved it. 
     My Verdict. Tastes lovely, bit dense for my liking though. The sauce and cake together were a bit sickly so either less sauce, less cake, or use ice cream instead. Overall it's great, especially for the time it took! Definitely going to be made at Uni :)

Why not try it yourself??
Ta Ta for now,
Somnium x