Monday 20 February 2012

Sugar, Air and Fairy Dust: Part I

So, I decided to make marshmallows this weekend. Woo :)
     I found a recipe I liked and tried it out so that when I make a proper batch for Easter i'll have it perfect (Hopefully). It ingredients are in the title, sugar, air and fairy dust. Everyone knows that's how you make them, obviously. 
     I was a bit late starting them than I hoped as I went driving, so I was a bit rushed and crowded as my mum was making Sunday roast at the same time. And wow sugar takes a long time to get to the right temperature, I was telling my thermometer off because it kept telling me the temperature was decreasing even though it was boiling rapidly. Yeesh. But it came together finally and let me tell you, unset marshmallow looks (and tastes) amazing! Wish I took a photo of me pouring it. but ah well, here's the photos that I did take.


They're definitely squishy and tasting of marshmallow :)
However, Tips for myself next time.
Maybe add some vanilla and colouring, Pour into a smaller tin so that they get thicker, maybe mix for longer, don't leave uncovered over night to set (a crust developed) and finally, line the tin better so it doesn't stick as much.
Well, hope you enjoyed this post, ill be back soon.
Over and out,
Somnium x

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