Tuesday 29 May 2012

The Making of Tracy Island!

Hey, sorry for the lack of posting but I've been busy doing this and that, including a small amount of baking :)
Whilst I've been missing in action I've made various things including an amazing cheesecake I made with my equally amazing boyfriend after college one day. A simple vanilla and raspberry baked cheesecake.

But now for the main attraction! A first ever! A step by step on how I made by Brothers 22nd birthday cake of Tracy Island! For those poor poor people who don't know what Tracy Island is, it is the island base of Thunderbirds, Google it. My cake is based off a toy me and my brother played with when we were little and cute :)

So, after weeks of giving a little bit of thought of what cake to make him I came up with this idea (two days before making it), and spent the rest of my free reminiscing about my childhood. I knew that this cake was going to be complicated so I decided to do some proper planning this time. It included pictures of the toy and some quick sketches. Unfortunately, I left them in the kitchen and dad threw them in the bin. Ah well. 
I then cooked three circular vanilla sponge cakes, which took two attempts as I didn't make enough mix the first time round, silly me. After they cooked they cooled whilst I went swimming with 'The Minecraft Crew', definitely needed in the decorating process. I was then left with the problem of assembling the cake into a shape that ressembled Tracy Island. After multiple cocktail sticks here was the result.

The next step was to cover it in lovely vanilla buttercream. Yum. Oh, and remove the cocktail sticks.
Then to cover it in fondant. Which I sure need practice in covering awkward shapes with.
Then I decided to paint with food gel mixed with a tad of icing sugar and got the finished result after my mum made the paper bits as I was running out of time. Thunderbird 3 was made out of Fimo the previous day, so wasnt edible.

     There you have it, my cake creation of Tracy Island. Hope you liked it and ill try and post again soon.
Ta ta for now,
Somnium xx

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic, and yes I am old enough to remember the original ;-)
