Sunday 7 October 2012

Flat Bake!!

Hello awesome people! One day I will get into the habit of posting more frequently, until that far away day, here's the latest :)

I've moved into University now (Woooo, Go St. Andrews!! You Rock!!) and therefore have moved into a flat with 4 other wonderful people! It was very nerve wracking moving in but as soon as I got to know my new neighbors all was good. A lot of other things have occurred including, my adoption to an academic family where I have way too many relatives to keep track of, my first kayaking river trip and of course, lots of studying baking!


So the first bake that our flat did were good ol' cupcakes. I baked them in the afternoon once i'd finished my very exhausting day of 3 lectures and then let each of my fellow flatmates have one to decorate themselves. I'm just so kind! One flat mate decided that the icing should be green and then we were off. I explained how to hold the decorating bag and how to pipe and soon they were all better than I was! Here are the finished masterpieces:

Aren't they cute! but we didnt stop there, oh no! The night after a flat mate and I we're sat around the table debating what we should do this fine friday night. We could go out? We could go to the cinema? Instead, of course, we went shopping and then went into a baking frenzy! We had lots of carrots in the fridge needing to be eaten so whats better to do with them than a carrot cake?! Soon enough it was in the oven cooking. But why stop there? so we also made some cinnamon twirls (whirls, swirls, twists?) and cooked them as well. The carrot cake tastes amazing, which made up for it falling apart when we took it out of the tin but we soon glued it together with scrummy icing.

So there you have it. I obviously live in an AMAZING flat were we can make AMAZING bakes in an AMAZING town!
Type soon,

P.S. Some pics of St. Andrews cause its so nice looking :)

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