Tuesday 6 November 2012


Its Halloween!! (well it was..) The night where all the ghouls and beasties come out to play, the monster under the bed takes a holiday and the skeleton in your cupboard has a welcomed walk. But what every kid wants are sweets! So lets not stop just because we're getting older, we just have to be more creative to satisfy our sweet teeth (tooths?). So here was my plan. Halloween cupcakes to give out to my flatmates, and maybe one extra for me :D

It was the night of the biology deadline, spirits were high, stomachs needed sugar, and I needed to get my bake on! And there in the corner, was a dusty spider web glistening away. Its mesmerizing pattern drawing your eyes closer. You are unwillingly drawn towards it.

And what should you find but a HUGE fuzzy spider! All brown and hairy but definitely not cuddly. You wouldn't want this thing anywhere near you. You can see its eyes taking in your own bedraggled state. You can see its HUNGER and its THIRST. 

You try and run away, you can see its intent, but its too late. Its on your arm. You can feel its many legs unnaturally crawling along. It doesnt stop. It moves to fast to brush it off, scuttling in one direction to the next. Now its on your head, it crawls over your mouth, nose and eyes, never pausing for a second. You can do nothing but remain frozen in fright as it crawls into your ear. You cant see it anymore, it doesnt matter that you can now move, its disappeared. Its gone to your BRAIN!

Its too late, you know its too late. All hope is gone. you sit down in a state if shock. You can imagine it in there, crawling about, munching to its hearts content. You cant take anymore. You collapse into a dead faint. Only to wake up on Halloween morning. It was a dream.

There's all my cupcakes that I made, and hope I didn't scare you too much! Here's to what was hopefully a very spooky sweet filled Halloween.

Other Bakes:

Now I must dash..
Somnium x

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