Tuesday 18 December 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas everyone, hope you're enjoying the festive season with lots of mince pies and hot coco next to somewhere warm. Or in my case, eating my cake whilst procrastinating in front of my laptop instead of revising for my exams. At least the cake makes a nice break :)

I decided that this year I was going to have a white Christmas and decorate a completely white cake with white icing. A proper fruit cake covered in marzipan and royal icing; grand indeed. I chose to show the classic sleigh being pulled by reindeer. Here it is!

And here's how it was made:

First I had to make the actual cake. I decided to make a fruit cake, but I didnt have enough time to make a proper Christmas cake, so I cheated and made a simnel cake, ah well :) It taste just as nice, if not nicer!

I then covered it in marzipan which involved me flipping the cake (covered in apricot jam) over into the middle of it in one movement, I prayed to god that my aim would have improved since P.E. My fears were not needed and it worked perfectly.

The next step was to cover it in royal icing, instead of my usual fondant. The making of the royal icing went well given I only had a hand beater. My hopes were high that I would get a perfectly smooth professional finish in only one coat. How wrong I was, but for my first attempt and for only doing one coat I'm fairly happy. 

The next step was planning my decorations that I was to make out of the royal icing. I got out my pen and paper and drew, and drew, and drew. In the end I came up with the following designs that I than drew to nice proportions and then piped. Multiple Times.

All that I had left to do was to assemble the pieces and arrange them on the cake using balls of un-clinging cling film as support. 


And there it is, my finished masterpiece. Hope you enjoyed it, and I wish you a very merry christmas!

Somnium xx

P.S. So Tasty!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you must have amazing patience, a lot of serious procrastination in that, must have taken ages?
