Monday 2 April 2012

Lemon Cake

Its been a while since my last post, sorry about that, been busy with college. I'm on holiday now for two weeks so decided to celebrate by... making cake! what else?
      So this is just a little cake I made to use up some eggs and to try out a cake pan I've not used yet. I used my mums normal cake recipe of (flour, butter, sugar):(eggs) in 2:1 and in ounces, wouldn't really work otherwise. so yeah, I also added an extra egg yolk (cause I wanted to use those suckers up) and some lemon juice from pancake day and a tad of orange juice to lessen the tang. Poured it into my well greased tin and baked :D
      30-40 minutes later and ta-da! cake! I let it cool and cut off the bottom to make it flat then drizzled lemon glace icing over the top. Lets just say, it didn't last to see tomorrow ;)

The only thing I would change is adding some lemon rind to it as well but seeing as I was using lemon juice from a squirty plastic lemon.. that wasnt gonna happen.

Ill be posting soon,
ta ta for now,
Somnium x

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